This is the literal definition of Ha/tha Yoga.  Ha meaning Solar, relating the right side of the body and the Pingala side channel and left brain and Tha meaning Lunar, relating to the left side of the body and right brain.  All physical yoga practices alternate between stimulating the left and right sides of the body.  This is why we do a pose on one side and then repeat on the other.  This is good, it encourages symmetry and develops awareness, strength and intelligence in the brain and body, but does not promote communication or cooperation between to the two.  In other words it does not encourage integration, which is yoga.

Bilateral Stimulation is movement that occurs is a rhythmic left right pattern.  It has been used to treat trauma, most notably with EMDR and developmental considerations such as Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Working in this way with light or hand movements promotes connectivity between the two halves of the body and activates the Corpus Callosum, the bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.  Working in this way we recruit the fullness of our mind and body for the tasks of healing wounds or patching development gaps.

The deeper I get into studying Shadow Yoga I am coming to understand that it is not enough

to do a pose on one side and then simply switch sides.  If we want to be working towards integration, aka yoga we need practices that include rhythmic bilateral stimulation and that allow us to directly experience the bridging of polarities by exploring the deadzone that exists BETWEEN two postures.  Movement that allows us to ride along  and venture into the space that exists between Left / Right.  Working in this way we throw light onto what hides in the shadow, bringing our attention to where we are weak or stuck and also where there is pain simultaneously teaching left and right to integrate and cooperate. 

Patanjali speaks of transcending dvandvas (duality) in Sutra 2.48.  When we explore the space between shapes and we gain direct visceral experience of nonduality.  Looking at the attached video, can you tell where the left shape ends and the right begins?  Working the space between we discover new integrated patterns of movement that are not prescriptive but intuitive.  Fully awake and connected we access the fullness of our potential for movement, expression and embodiment.

